Tuu Picks: Milesight IoT

Know how many students are in each classroom, energy consumption per person, and the quality of air they are breathing

Milesight is a technology company with a focus on 5G, AI and IoT.

With advanced IoT insights, the company drives innovation and business efficiencies for indoor air quality tracking, smart buildings, smart cities and smart agriculture.

For schools, it offers a range of hardware monitoring devices such as workspace occupancy sensors, PMI sensors, waste monitoring and weather stations.

Its PMI sensors measure up to 9 data points, including Co2, PM 2.5, TVOC, Barometric Pressure, Formaldehyde and Ozone.

Its occupancy sensor is useful for calculating air con, heating and energy consumption per person on a room by room basis.

Milesight, based out of Xiamen in China, has recently started supplying public schools in Quebec with 47,000 air monitors for classrooms. 

It’s multi-monitor and base station starter pack starts at approximately $800.  

Get in touch with MilesightIoT and tell them that you’re friends of Tuu. Together, we can make your school a more sustainable and healthier place for students to learn.